Improve Your Short Game with These Essential Practice Drills

  1. Golf tips and techniques
  2. Short game technique
  3. Practice drills for a better short game

Golf is a game of precision and skill, and nowhere is this more evident than in the short game. Being able to master your short game can make all the difference in lowering your score and improving your overall performance on the course. But how do you go about improving your short game? The answer lies in practice. By incorporating these essential practice drills into your routine, you can take your short game to the next level and see significant improvements in your performance on the course.

In this article, we will explore some of the best practice drills for a better short game, providing you with the tools and techniques you need to succeed on the green. So grab your clubs and get ready to improve your short game with these essential practice drills. First and foremost, let's define what we mean by 'short game'. In golf, the short game refers to any shots that are played within 100 yards of the hole. This includes pitches, chips, bunker shots, and putts.

Having a strong short game is crucial for a successful round of golf, as it can account for up to 60% of your total shots. Now that you understand the importance of the short game, let's dive into the practice drills that will help you improve. One of the most essential practice drills for a better short game is the pitch shot. This shot is used when you are close to the green but still have a significant distance to cover. To practice this shot, place several balls around the green at different distances and aim for specific targets. This will help you develop control and accuracy with your pitch shots. Another important aspect of the short game is chipping.

This is when you are close to the green and need to get the ball onto the green and rolling towards the hole. To improve your chipping, set up various targets around the green and practice hitting different types of chips, such as high and low chips. This will help you develop a variety of shots for different situations on the course. Bunker shots can be a nightmare for many golfers, but with the right practice drills, they can become one of your strengths. Set up different bunker scenarios, such as long and short bunker shots, and practice getting out of them with different clubs.

This will help you develop confidence and consistency with your bunker shots. Last but certainly not least, putting is a crucial part of the short game. To improve your putting, set up various distances and slopes on the putting green and practice hitting putts from different locations. Pay attention to your alignment, grip, and stroke to develop a smooth and consistent putting technique. In conclusion, by incorporating these essential practice drills into your training routine, you will see a significant improvement in your short game. Remember to focus on control, accuracy, and consistency with each shot.

With dedication and practice, you will be able to lower your scores and become a master of the short game.

Putting Perfection: Techniques for Sinking More Putts

Putting is arguably the most important skill in the short game, and with the right practice, you can become a putting pro. Give this drill a try to improve your putting game:Putting Drill: Place five balls around a hole, each at a different distance. Start with the closest ball and make all five putts in a row before moving on to the next distance. This will help you focus on your aim and consistency. Practice this drill regularly and watch as your putting game improves.

Remember to always stay patient and keep practicing to see the best results. Happy putting!

Pitch Perfect: Mastering Your Pitches

One of the keys to a successful short game is being able to control your distance and accuracy on pitch shots. To improve in this area, try the following drill:Pitching Ladder Drill: Set up five golf balls at various distances from the hole, starting with the shortest distance and increasing by five yards each time. Take your pitching wedge and hit each ball, aiming to land it within a three-foot circle around the hole.

This drill will help you develop your feel and touch for different distances on your pitch shots. Remember to focus on your technique as well. Keep your hands soft and let the club do the work, keeping a consistent tempo throughout your swing. And don't forget to follow through and finish your swing properly.

Bunker Blues: Overcoming Your Fear of Sand Shots

Many golfers dread hitting out of bunkers, but with the right practice, you can conquer this fear. One of the keys to becoming a bunker master is to have a solid understanding of how to properly hit a sand shot.

This drill will help you improve your technique and build confidence in the bunker.

The Drill:

First, find a practice bunker and fill it with fresh sand. Place a golf ball in the center of the bunker and take your stance. Next, focus on your grip and make sure it is loose but firm. You want to be able to swing freely without losing control of the club. Take a few practice swings to get comfortable with the sand.

The key to hitting a successful sand shot is to hit behind the ball, so aim for about two inches behind it. As you swing, keep your weight on your front foot and let the club slide through the sand. After a few practice swings, it's time to hit the ball. Remember to keep your grip loose and swing through the sand, not at the ball. You should see the ball pop up out of the bunker and onto the green. Continue practicing this drill until you feel comfortable hitting consistent sand shots.

As you become more confident, you can start experimenting with different types of lies and distances from the hole.


Remember to keep your grip loose and your weight on your front foot. Also, try to visualize a dollar bill under the ball and aim to hit that spot behind it. This will help you hit a clean shot every time. With regular practice, you'll be able to overcome your fear of bunkers and become a master at hitting sand shots. Don't let bunkers ruin your round – use this drill to improve your short game and lower your scores.

Chipping Away at Your Score

Chipping is another essential aspect of the short game that requires precision and touch.

It's a shot that can often make or break your score, so it's important to have a solid chipping game. To improve your chipping skills, try this simple drill:1.The One-Handed ChipThis drill will help you focus on your hand and wrist control, which is crucial for accurate chipping. Start by gripping your club with only your dominant hand. This will force you to rely on your wrist and hand movements rather than your arm swing. Take a few practice swings to get a feel for the one-handed grip. Then, set up to a short chip shot and focus on keeping your wrist firm and your hand leading the club through impact. This drill will not only improve your chipping technique, but also help you develop a better feel for distance control. By practicing this drill regularly, you'll see a noticeable improvement in your chipping game, leading to lower scores on the course. By incorporating these practice drills into your regular golf routine, you'll see a significant improvement in your short game. Remember to stay patient and practice consistently to see the best results.

With these tips and techniques, you'll be well on your way to becoming a short game master.

Elias Donnell
Elias Donnell

Hardcore web aficionado. Certified twitter trailblazer. General twitter maven. Typical social media evangelist. Hipster-friendly zombie evangelist. Unapologetic music fanatic.